Smart Lipo

Our Clinic’s Smart Lipo

Do not stress over deciding the number of bottles that you need!

The conventional LAMS method required patient to decide on the number of bottles and posed the problem of the increasing price proportional to the customer’s body size or the area requiring liposuction.

Our clinic’s specialized medical team accurately diagnoses a customer’s situation and comes up with the best solution which entitled as Infinite LAMS deal.

Infinite LAMS with Safe Deferred Payment

Smart Lipo with Safe Deferred Payment

This system is a rare method among hospitals that handle obesity, aesthetics and cosmetics. Our clinic confidently introduced the system to meet customer demands for a safe and effective treatment. Enjoy our highly satisfying treatment and care service first, and pay the expenses afterward. We strive to provide a genuine service that brings the greatest customer satisfaction so that our clients would feel comfortable throughout their obesity treatment. You can trust our ability to reshape your body.

When to get Smart Lipo

Case 01

When it is difficult to decide on the appropriate number of bottles

Case 02

When the customer requires large-volume liposuction (multiple bottles)

Case 03

Looking for a simple, reliable reduction in fat

Four Benefits of Smart Lipo

Just like any type of liposuction, Infinite LAMS is applicable to the thighs, stomach, forearms, and other body parts. The bra line or armpit area, however, is an exception. For the legs, treatment availability is determined after consultation.

Visitation – Measure the body fat, and conduct a blood test. Treatment – Treatment is conducted after coming up with a delicate design for each problem area. Post treatment – Thoroughly managed through a systematic after-care program

The after-care program maximizes the effects of Infinite LAMS by assisting the discharge of dissolved fat, and reducing post-surgery bruising and swelling. The program starts right after the surgery. We recommend regular participation (5–7 days).

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